Nigeria‘ll overcome its challenges – Lalong

Plateau State governor, Simon Bako Lalong says the current challenges facing the nation will be overcome soon.

Lalong made the remark during the monthly prayer and fasting session held at the Government House Chapel, Rayfield, Jos.

He who acknowledged that Nigeria is facing challenges of insecurity, unemployment, illiteracy among others, said there is no need to despair because tough times do not last forever.

He said his experience as governor of Plateau State in the past six years has proved that it is possible to turn around a bad situation to a better one when there is purposeful leadership that mobilises people across different divides.

He said “when we took over, there was so much agony and despondency because of crises and other suspicious interactions. We have so far done our best to restore peace but some crises merchants are bent on taking us back.

“We will never allow them because our prayer and commitment will defeat these evil people who thrive in creating chaos.

“The recent attacks in Dong and Kwi in Jos North and Riyom are very regrettable and we are on the trail of these killers.

“I urge the citizens to pray and also be vigilant to give us the information about criminals. We will deal with them”.

The governor thanked the people of Plateau State for praying for his administration and giving him the needed support to record various achievements and improving the lives of the people.

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