FAAN unveils measures to end extortion, enhance passenger experience

The Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria has declared war on extortion and illegal acts by some touts who frequently lurk around Nigerian airports.

Mrs. Olubunmi Kuku, Managing Director of FAAN, made the announcement while addressing with press at her Lagos office on Saturday.

Kuku stated that she had acquired information on the activities of touts bothering and extorting unwary passengers at airports.

She committed to crack down on offenders of such illicit actions, underlining her commitment to ensure a seamless and enjoyable experience for passengers.

The FAAN boss also declared that the agency’s Director of Special Duties, Henry Agbebire, will lead a committee in the fight against the alleged criminals.

Kuku also pledged to work with all government entities working at airports to ensure compliance with anti-touting and anti-extortion policies.

She also stated that to guarantee the zero-tolerance policy, magistrate courts would be formed at international airports to speed the legal procedure for punishing criminals.

“The task force has been mandated to enforce discipline among airport staff and maintain a culture of professionalism at all levels.

“In addition, dedicated phone lines and QR codes will be set up to provide passengers with a means of providing feedback on their airport experience.

“All airport personnel must prominently display their on-duty cards and name tags for easy identification and accountability.”

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