Students Loan: Some federal schools yet to upload students data – NELFUND

The Nigerian Education Loan Fund, NELFUND,says some federal tertiary schools are yet to upload the data of their students on its dashboard even as it has formally since opened portal for students to apply for its loan scheme.

NELFUND regretted that the development has been hindering the processing of students application from the affected schools.

It appealed to the federal government owned tertiary institutions which students are beneficiaries in the ongoing first batch of the scheme to respond appropriately.

NELFUND’s spokesman, Nasir Ayitogo,in a phone conversation with Vanguard in Abuja,Sunday,said the fund was encountering problems processing loan requests from students whose institutions were yet to make data of their institutions available.

He, however, refused to name the institutions that are yet to upload their data on the dashboard of NELFUND.

“We have received a lot of loan requests from students across the country. However, some institutions have not uploaded their students’ data on the NELFUND dashboard to enable us process the requests,” Ayitogo said.

He, however, expressed optimism that more institutions will upload portal their students’ data on NELFUND’s dashboard in the coming days.

Recall that the Nigeria students loan scheme launched the portal for its first phase of students loan programme, Friday.

Recall also that the National Association of Nigerian Students, NANS, had on Friday, called out some institutions for their slow response to upload data of their students on the Fund’s database.

This, it lamented, would hinder the application of students in the affected institutions.

NANS President, Lucky Emonefe made the allegation in a memo to all Student Union Government ,SUG presidents, chairmen of NANS Joint Campus Council as well as zonal coordinators of the association.

He called on the student leaders to prevail on the respective management of their institutions to comply with NELFUND directives, pointing out that any tertiary institution that fails to submit their students’ data to the Fund, would be excluded from accessing the loan.

Dated May 23, 2023 wiith reference number NANS/VOL1/GA1/A150, the correspondence was titled, ‘Urgent notice from NELFUND to all students leaders and school managements’.

The memo read:”Following a meeting with the management of the Nigerian Education Loan Fund (NELFUND), we have been made aware that several Federal Universities are yet to submit their students’ data. This is hindering the processing of the Students’ Loan scheme in various ways.

“NELFUND management has hereby requested that the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) urge the Vice Chancellors of these Federal Universities to comply with NELFUND’s directives and promptly submit their students’ data for upload on the NELFUND platform. This will enable the loan processing to commence as soon as possible.

“Please note that any Federal University that fails to submit their data may be excluded from accessing the loan, and NELFUND will not be held responsible.

“We urge all Student Union Presidents and other student leaders, particularly those from Federal Universities, to ensure that their school managements have submitted the necessary data to NELFUND. This will guarantee that no university is left out of the Students’ Loan scheme.”

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