Sanwo-Olu underscores importance of sacrificing for family, neighbours

Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu, has implored Nigerians to sacrifice and show love to their family members and neighbours.

He stated this at the first family of Lagos State 2024 Eid-ul-Adha celebration.

Sanwo-Olu, represented by the Deputy Governor, Obafemi Hamzat, said the Eid-ul-Adha celebration is about obedience and sacrifice, stating that Nigerians need to learn the act of sacrifice and charity that the season symbolises.

He expressed happiness that another eid was witnessed in good health, saying the people must know that experiencing another eid is a product of the favour from Allah.

“The lessons are about sacrifice and obedience, so we must use that to sustain our lives and do the right things. We must sacrifice for our nation, state, family and neighbours, as it will make it easy for all us to live together.”

He enjoined residents to be careful with their hygiene, asking them to wash their hands and promote cleanliness within their environment.

Sanwo-Olu thanked every resident promoting peaceful co-existence, asking them to continue to work towards sustainable peace by living in peace.

In her welcome address, the first lady of Lagos State, Dr Ibijoke Sanwo-Olu, also underscored the importance of sacrifice and obedience to the will of Allah.

She urged residents to continue to pray for peace and progress of the state, including promoting good hygiene.
She tasked religious leaders to preach against social vices as all hands must be on deck to stamp out bad acts in the society.

In his presentation, the guest lecturer, Associate Professor Nosirudeen Olajide Onibon, who spoke on the topic, ‘Leveraging on the gains of Hajj and Eid Ul Adha for building a better society’, stated that hajj is one of the pillars of Islam and there is a link between Hajj and Eid Ul Adha.

He built his presentation around three issues faithful must abide and promote.
The first he said was to have better a society, there is need for faithfulness to Allah.
He added that faithfulness to Allah must be absolute noting that faithfulness to place of birth and country is part of God’s requirement

He also implored residents to keep their promises stating that the missing link in any relationship is trust as fulfillment of promises help to build trust.
He observed that the only missing link between government and the people is trust, because the failure of those in government to fulfill promises in the past built distrust between the government and the governed.

He noted that Eid Ul Adha is about fulfilment of promises, adding that fulfilling promises help to promote a better society.

According to Onibon, sacrifice is a critical element in fulfilling promises sometimes.

He wondered why Nigerians always live in the glorious past, stating it is because those who came before paid a prize but those after them did not.

Onibon, therefore, said there is need for today’s people to pay the prize for those coming.

As part of the event, there were musical interlude and prayers for leaders and residents. There were specific prayers for Nigeria, the president, governor, deputy governor and their families as well as state executive council members.

There were also prayers for the speaker, lawmakers, judiciary, public servants among other state functionaries.

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